June 26, 2023

All About Milo’s Sanctuary

One of our charity partners this year is Milo’s Sanctuary, a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded on the belief that all cats deserve a second chance at life, especially those that have physical disabilities, are seniors, have a terminal illness, or have been abused and need someone to care for, love, and understand them. We spoke with founder Michele Hoffman to learn more about their mission and what she’s looking forward to at CatCon this August!

CatCon: You’re a longtime CatConner, but for those of our fans who are joining us for the first time this year, can you tell us about Milo’s Sanctuary, and what inspired you to create it?  

Michele Hoffman: Milo’s Sanctuary is a registered non profit 501(c)(3) and I created this rescue (20 years as of 2024) when I saw cats that were old, disabled, abused and with terminal illnesses were being euthanized because of their disabilities without being given a chance. I understand why a rescue would take a mom and kittens, and that is so important. But what happened to the ones no one wanted? They were killed. I decided to change that and started Milo’s Sanctuary.

I thought that if I was going to do this I needed to know what I was doing, so I went back to school to get my degree in veterinary technology and worked for a few years in a veterinarian’s office. I have been rescuing animals my entire life but counting this year I’ve been working 28 years in rescue.

Gridley and Annie, two of Milo’s special residents

What is your mission? 

Our Mission is twofold. First, we take in those that have physical disabilities, seniors, have been abused, injured, or are suffering from a terminal illness. These special needs often prevent them from being adopted into a “normal” home. For these cats, we provide a Lifetime Care Program by giving them a permanent home and any medical care that they may need to live out the remainder of their natural lives in a safe, loving, and healthy environment. To ensure that these cats receive everything they need for quality of life we have a sponsorship program where anyone can sponsor one of our Lifetime Care Cats.  

Second, we also strongly believe in education as a tool to combat the abandonment of cats that result from their owner’s lack of understanding and fear of dealing with their cats’ special needs. To further this end, we have links on our website to information regarding special needs cats and their care, as well as offering personal helpful advice and handouts through our website, Facebook Page, Instagram and any event we attend.

What are some of the myths about special needs animals? 

This is a FANTASTIC question and I don’t think I’ve ever been asked it before. Blind cats have a lot of myths surrounding them, for instance “how can they find their way around?” “Can they use the litter box” and those types of questions. When we have visitors to the sanctuary we actually get asked if we are sure they are blind. Especially if one of the blind cats is jumping onto a table, or jumping onto the couch for cuddles. 

You have a senior cat care program- what are some of the unique needs of these cats?  

These amazing cats come to us from shelters mostly. Being abandoned because they are “too old” or their guardian died and no friends or family will take the cat. I personally adore the cats in their sunset years. They come with different needs, kidney failure, heart conditions, hyperthyroidism. Sometimes all they need is a warm bed, sunshine and someone to love them for the rest of their lives. Diabetic cats and cats with kidney disease that need daily injections or fluids, we often hear “I could never do that” and my answer is “Of course you can, there was a time I was terrified of doing it.” Also I ask, “if this is your child would you do it to keep them alive?” of course the answer is “Yes” and I reply “It’s exactly the same thing, someone you love needs help.”

Pancake Stickypaws

We hear you’re bringing a special guest – who is it, and what else will people learn at your booth? 

Awww the magical Pancake Stickypaws- yes, he will be at CatCon and we are so excited that his friends and followers can meet him in person. We love to have people come by and ask questions either about the Sanctuary, special needs cats or need advice. We will have informational sheets with us to address commonly asked questions. 

Big crowds at Milo’s Sanctuary booth at CatCon 2022! 

How can CatConners get involved/help you out? 

We love our CatCon family and if anyone wishes to help, the best thing to do is to go to our website at www.milossanctuary.org. There’s places to sponsor one of our Lifetime Care Cats, donate, wish lists and how to volunteer. There’s so many different ways you can be involved!

Angela Kinsey of “The Office” visited the Milo’s Sanctuary booth at CatCon 2022! 

What are you looking forward to most at CatCon this year? 

Absolutely 100% seeing our friends and followers, meeting new people and helping to spread the word about Special Needs Cats and how CatCon has helped us in so many ways!

Join us for the biggest cat-centric, pop culture event in the world dedicated to all things feline!


August 3rd & 4th, Pasadena, CA